Alert Level 4 has brought about some relief in the property industry and we are seeing changes daily. Here are some of the latest developments:
The Deeds Office (Eastern Cape):
The King William’s Town Deeds Office reopened on 13 May 2020.
They are operating with full staff compliment and the matters are registering within the ordinary time frames.
No registrations will take place if a rates clearance certificate has expired, which will mean that in most instances an application to the NMBMM for a fresh rates clearance certificate will be necessary.
Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality (Rates Department):
While many other rates departments in South Africa are operational, the Attorneys Association of the South Eastern Cape (which has been liaising with the NMBMM) advised on 18 May that the NMBMM rates department will provisionally only reopen on 1 June 2020.
The NMBMM rates department have stated that clear photographic evidence of the latest water and or electricity metres must be attached to all rates figure applications (including applications for fresh rates clearance certificates). The meter services department will firstly be required to update the latest readings submitted prior to any release of rates figures and or attention being addressed to the rates certificates needed, this also applies to requests for rates extensions.
The Receiver of Revenue (Transfer Duty Receipts):
The Receiver of Revenue’s offices remained functional during the Lock Down period.
They have however been operating with a limited staff capacity therein resulting in slower turnaround times for the processing of the necessary transfer duty clearance certificates.
The Masters Office (Eastern Cape):
The Masters Office has reopened and is currently operating with a reduced staff compliment.
No follow ups are permitted without an appointment or proof that an email request has been sent to the respective Masters’ examiner (the number of people allowed entry to the building is limited and strictly managed).
Please note that the above is a summary of the current position as it relates to those stakeholders, but the position is susceptible to change. We will do our best to keep you apprised of any material changes as and when they occur.
For assistance, contact us on 041 363 6044 or